Thursday, 30 April 2015

But Who is Nevo?

Hi, my name is Nevo. Contrary to the name of both my blog and YouTube channel, my name is not pronounced Nee-vo but rather Nehvoh, however I don't expect people to get that right, so let's stick with Nev outside of the humorous pun.

I'm a 19 year old, outgoing, complicated but open young man, who busies myself studying creative advertising, leading at a Jewish youth movement, hanging out with friends, writing my own music and the usual comings and goings of a boy my age. However, I am anything but a typical 19 year old boy (not that I'm even sure that exists). Aside from my various nuanced quirks such as bright aqua hair and many piercings, I also happen to have been assigned female at birth #spoileralert.

This blog will be... well I'm not sure what this blog will be. I guess I'm starting it to try and get my own voice out there. I've been interviewed on documentaries, radio and newspapers and now I'd like to speak on behalf of myself. This is where you will find my true story, written by no-one else but myself. And perhaps through this blog, it will encapsulate the essence that is me.

So while no, I have not exactly "found Nevo", I think this will be an interesting journey, whereby I will have a place to write not just my thoughts, but funny stories that have happened to me, and what has shaped me into the person I am today. I hope you will join me on my own process of "Finding Nevo".